Thursday, 30 July 2015

The Versatile Blogger Award

Hey Guys!

So I have been nominated for The Versatile Blogger award, Thankyou Ellie for nominating me (Click here to see Ellies fantastic blog :)) So, first I have to tell you 7 facts about me, here goes!

  1. For the majority of my life I have been obsessed with all things horses and riding, I was even lucky enough to have my own horse for 3 years. But, I toned down all my riding as GCSE's and A levels crept closer :( But I hope to pick it up again in later life :)
  2. I have just turned 17 and got a Mini for my birthday from my lovely parents :)
  3. I have a hugeee phobia of anything with wings.. especially birds, butterflies and Moths.
  4. I went to fracture clinic without a fracture. I was put in a cast 3 days before my prom last summer as I fell off a gate and hurt my hand. I had it Xrayed and they old me it was broken but I cut my cast off for prom and my hand was fine. I had fracture clinic the next day and they told me it was never broken ;) 
  5. I started blogging in February as a way to relax after hectic days at college doing A levels
  6. I would loveee to go to University (or college as its known..) in America
  7. I'm very addicted to my phone and I don't go anywhere without it
My nominations...
Okay so officially I'm supposed to nominate 15 blogs but I don't think I as yet follow that many! So here are the ones that I do follow and love..:)
  1. Just Old Curious Me ( - Love this blog and always enjoy reading her posts :)
  2. Miss Internet ( - One of my favourite anonymous bloggers :)
  3. The Savvy Student ( - Always enjoy reading this blog, and her 'Exam Survival' post was especially useful to me!
  4. The Chic Cupcake ( - Another one of my favourite blogs, also keep an eye out for a guest post coming very soon :)
So thats only 4 but like Ellie, who kindly nominated me, I also nominate everyone else who would like to do this post:)
Thanks for reading!
Bye for now,
TAG xx


  1. Your facts are so interesting and glad you did the post!
    - Ellie Xx

    1. Thankyou for nominating me! I enjoyed doing this post, it was something a bit different..:)
      TAG xx
